Across Fitness Nishi Azabu | News

Community Spotlight : Kendra&Ryosuke

Kendra and Ryosuke met and fell in love at ACROSS FITNESS in Tokyo. Kendra enjoys the sense of community, while Ryosuke appreciates meeting interesting people. CrossFit has brought them closer and improved their lives. They encourage everyone to try CrossFit for fitness and connection.

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

Kendra: 4 years Ryosuke: 3 years

What made you decide to start?

Kendra: I was looking for fitness and international community when I first moved to Tokyo. Ryosuke: I watched YouTube videos Masato channel

What are your fitness goals or objectives?

Kendra:To do one strict unassisted pull-up. I've been working on the same goal for 2 years now. Ryosuke: Health and work

**What is the most enjoyable thing about doing CrossFit?

Kendra: Socializing! Ryosuke: I got to meet lots of interesting people

**What do you love about the ACROSS FITNESS box & community?

Kendra: In addition to improving my fitness, I really love the sense of community that I feel at the box. It is my home away from home! Ryosuke:Gym Party

Have you noticed any changes in your daily life since you joined the ACROSS FITNESS box?

Kendra: The most important change in my daily life since joining the box has been meeting my partner, Ryosuke. Ryosuke: I met my American girlfriend in ACROSS FITNESS

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about starting CrossFit? **

Kendra: Even if you think it's not for you, give it a shot! There is a place for everyone here. Ryosuke: It's not just exercise. You will meet interesting new people.


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カスタリア広尾 B1F

Tokyo, Minato-Ku,
Nishi Azabu 3-13-3 B1F

TEL 03 6384 5639
週日 Weekdays 09:00 - 22:00
週末 Weekends 09:00 - 14:00


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