Athlete Spotlight: TAKUYA
Takuya has been engaged in CrossFit for over 2 years. Their motivation for starting was to build their body and fitness to enjoy life with friends fully. They recall a significant achievement of being ranked among other members in a Monthly Challenge. Since beginning CrossFit, Takuya has experienced reduced tiredness at work and during social activities, along with improvements in posture and behavior. Their advice for newcomers is to embrace CrossFit's balanced approach to strength, cardio, and flexibility training in a supportive and encouraging group setting, making it an ideal avenue for improving overall health and fostering the fitness needed to enjoy life with friends.
クロスフィットを始めようと思ったきっかけは、友人たちと人生を楽しめるような身体と体力作りをしたいと 思ったからです。私は、以前ボルダリングやテニスをしていましたが、不定期で、コーチングを受けておら ず、基礎からしっかり身体作りをしたいと考えました。
クロスフィットをやっていて最も楽しいと思えた事 は?
普段、仲間と励まし合いながらトレーニングすることができますが、今回はじめて兵達の中でマンスリーチャ レンジでランクインできたことは大変光栄です。
CrossFit を始めて日常生活で変 化を感じたことはありますか?
仕事はもちろん、友人と遊ぶときにも疲れにくいようになりました。また、姿勢や立ち振る舞いも良くなったと 言われます。
これから始めようと思っている方 に何かアドバイスをお願いします
クロスフィットは、筋力トレーニング、有酸素運動、柔軟性トレーニングをバランスよく行うことで、全身の健康 を向上させることができます。また、クロスフィットはグループで行うエクササイズなので、仲間と励まし合い ながらトレーニングすることができ、友人たちと人生を楽しめるような身体と体力作りをするのに最適な方法 だと思います。
How long have you been doing CrossFit? More than 2 years but less than 3 years
How did you hear about us and what made you decide to start? I decided to start CrossFit because I wanted to build my body and fitness so that I could enjoy life with my friends. I used to boulder and play tennis, but irregularly and without coaching, so I wanted to build my body from the basics.
What is your goal or purpose? I want to continue building my body and fitness so that I can enjoy life with my friends forever.
What has been your most memorable CrossFit moment? I usually train with my peers and encourage each other, but this is the first time I have been ranked amongst the soldiers in the Monthly Challenge, which is a great honour.
Have you noticed any changes in your daily life since starting CrossFit? I feel less tired at work and when playing with friends. I am also told that my posture and behaviour have improved.
What advice do you have for someone just getting started with CrossFit? CrossFit is a great way to improve your overall health by balancing strength, cardio and flexibility training. CrossFit is also a great way to build the body and fitness to enjoy life with friends, as it is a group exercise and you can work out in a supportive and encouraging environment.